It has been several weeks since I became involved with NAZCA and Project PESQAR and my role within the project has begun to define itself. We knew I would be dedicated to the economic questions at hand, but didnt know which would be the first steps. In order for NAZCA and myself to become more familiar with the business of fish in this region of Ecuador, we decided my first efforts would be directed towards a general investigation and examination of the industry in this part of Ecuador and the associated value chain. Thus, Ive spent the last couple of weeks trying to engage local fishermen, traders, market participants in Quito, restaurant managers, and seafood purveyors in order to educate myself on the structure of the chain. This is important to NAZCA because if we want to see the fishing in this reserve become sustainable, this chain will invariably have to undergo some changes. The most lofty and ultimate of our goals is to eventually have the products from this reserve packaged and marketed as a sustainable and artisinal product, identified seperately and likely sold at higher prices than conventional seafood because of increased quality. This is a very similiar process to what has been done with organic, socially responsible coffees and chocolates. In this instance, however, the finca workers are fishermen and the crop being harvested is the fish they take out of the sea. It will not be NAZCA, of course, who executes such a business plan (NAZCA is a marine research group only); however, it will be NAZCA who lays the groundwork for the infrastructural changes and enhanced fishing practices. They will also be responsible for the scientific and technical research associated with claiming an area as protected, which will be a very valuable component for anyone who does wish to purchase fish from the reserve as described above. There is already interest on behalf of several seafood companies who are interested in acheiving such a socially and environmentally responsable business feat. However, there is much to be done in the legitimization of the reserve and the practices within before it makes sense for any one to attempt such an entry. To provide a bit of a summary about this value chain as its understood today: Fishermen return from 1 to 2 days at sea in a 20+ ft plus boat often photographed by the author of Ecuadorado, and sell their catch on the beach to a local trader. In the reserve Corvina, Dorado, Pargo (snapper), Bonito, Picudo (marlin), and langosta (lobster) are some of the most important products. The trader then takes the fish either to the City Port of Esmeraldas, or sells it to someone in a nearby town who will take it directly to Quito. The fish sold to Esmeraldas is determined to be exported or consumed nationally and then sold once again accordingly. Once the fish arrives in Quito or a different destination it is then sold to a market or a distributor who will sell it to restaurants, hotels, and grocery stores. It is easy to note that intermediate steps that add no value to the chain are in abundance and in need of being terminated from this process. For example, in this process the price of Dorado and Corvina can be as much as 2 dollars/lb. and 3 dollars/lb. higher in Quito respectively. Each of these steps does not raise the price on its journey to Quito, rather they subtract money from the initial end of the chain. The price in Quito is more dependent on what people are willing to pay and the supply, not how much it cost to get there. So, the more people involved, the less money on the beach. Below are some shots from around the communities in the reserve.
Hace unas semanas que empeze mi trabajo con NAZCA y Proyecto PESQAR y mi enfoque personal ha empezado aclararse un poco. Sabiamos que yo iba trabajar en la parte de la economia y desarrollo para el proyecto, pero no sabiamos cuales iban a ser los primeros pasos. Para educarme yo mismo y a NAZCA tambien, decidimos que debo hacer una investigacion general de lo que es el negocio de pesca en esta zona y la cadena de valor que tiene. Entonces, por las ultimas semanas he estado hablando con pescadores, comerciantes, gente del mercado, exportadores, restaurantes, y supermercados para aprender como esta estructurado el camino del pescado del mar hasta el plato. Esto es importante para NAZCA porque si nosotros queremos ver la pesca de la reserva como sustentable y vendido asi, seguro tendra que cambiar la cadena de venderlo. Nuestro meta ultimo y alto es que los productos de la reserva sean promocionados y vendidos como un producto artesenal y sostenible, identificado aparte del pescado convencional y con un precio mas alto por un aumento en la calidad. Este proceso es muy parecido a como ha cambiado el cafe organico y los chocolates artesenales. Pero, los trabajadores de la finca son los pescadores, y la planta cosechada es el pescado que sacan del mar. Porsupuesto, no sera NAZCA el que hace el negocio que cumplira algo asi sino es solo un instituto de investigaciones marinos. Pero, si sera NAZCA el responsable para hacer las bases para cambiar la infraestructura y maneras de pescar. Y tambien sera NAZCA el que haga las investigaciones tecnicas que cualquier comprador de pescado de la reserva necesite para averiguar que el producto es lo que reclama ser. Ya hay unas empresas de pescados que tienen interes en la reserva, pero falta mucho para que tenga sentido una entrada asi. Para tener un ejemplo de la cadena: Los pescadores vuelven de 1 o 2 dias en el mar en una fibra de 8-9 metros y venden el pescado en la playa a un comerciante. Ese comerciante lo lleva a Esmeraldas u otro pueblo a otro comerciante. Si va a Esmeraldas deciden si es para exportar o consumo nacional. Despues el otro comerciante o los de Esmeraldas lo llevan a Quito para venderlo a un mercado, o distribuIdor que lo vende a un resaurante, hotel, o supermercado. No es tan dificil ver que hay unos pasos en la cadena que no añaden nada de valor deberian estar sacados, o fuera. Cada persona que esta involucradA esta sacando lo suyo. El precio en Quito es un resultado de la demanda alli y la cantidad que hay, nO importa cual sea el costo para llegar alli. Entonces, si hay mas gente involucrada, el precio no subira en el mercado, pero bajara en la playa. Mientras mas gente haya en la cadena, menos plata en la playa. Aqui abajo tengo unas fotos de las comunidades de a reserva.
The album drops summer 2k10.